Monday, 30 April 2012

Car Hire or Own Vehicle

Another popular question we are often faced with is : "Which is better? Your own car or hiring one?"

Well this is all dependant on how you plan (or how you currently) work.

The majority of car hire is done by the operators themselves, this often has limitations on it I.E. only been able to work for the operator supplying the car, and often you will have the car 24/7 and pay for such.

This obviously is no good if you only want to work weekends, or don't want to work for that particular firm.

On the plus side there is no need to work about repairs or insurance cost so ideal if your a young driver (under 25) or just getting into the industry.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Weekend Bookings

  Well it's the end of the month again and we've all be paid. Time to go out and enjoy what we've spent the last 30 days earning. As you can imagine this is one of the busiest times of the month for Taxi and Private Hire firms. The last thing you need is a poor taxi service to ruin your night. 
  Remember the keys to receiving the best customer service and plan ahead. Order your taxi well in advance, if your booking it as you walk out of the door of the pub/restraunt/etc you are going to be waiting. If you book ahead remember to be ready for it, and even if the taxi is late don't blame the driver chances are the driver is there as quick as he/she possibly can be. 
  If you really can't book in advance but it is your usual haunt. Why not ask your operator if they offer an IVR service this will save you time booking your vehicle and avoid possible busy or engaged phone lines, or poor quality of service from an overworked telephonist.
  Finally remember the difference between Taxi and Private Hire and don't just jump into the first car you see, the probability of been ripped off is much greater if you do this.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Online Booking

  In this day in age it's hard to go anywhere without been close to an internet connection. Private Hire Companies are now using this to speed up your ability to book a car, very useful if you are at work and wanting to book for later or can't tear yourself away from your computer.
  It has also spawned the creation of companies that specialise in online booking and use a number of firms up and down the country. Very useful if you travel about the country. One web page vs half a dozen taxi company phone numbers in your phone book.

Online Booking Services




Or Book direct with Leeds Firms

IT's Roadrunners Online Booking

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Customer Service

Customer service is a major influence in big business. But many don't truly understand what it is or how to achieve good customer service. The Taxi and Private hire industry is no exception and probablly one of the worst for horror stories of bad customer service. Almost everyone has an example of a taxi journey that went wrong but few remember or comment on the times they received great service. This is probablly due to the nature of the industry and the fact that you are wanting a taxi for the sole reason of getting somewhere at or for a particular time. The bad experiences tend to stick with us better than all the times the service did exactly what it was suppose to.
 One of the other things we frequently hear is "The customer is always right". This is not only wrong but quite stupid as well.This approach not only sets you up for poor customer service but will let your customers walk all over you and cost your business both money and reputation. A far better approach is "The customer is never wrong". This may seem like the same thing but it really is not. The customer does not know your company as well as you do even if he/she has some knowledge of the industry.

Key to giving good customer service

 Really very simple. Do what you say you will. Meet the customer expectation and if something does go wrong be honest about it.There is no point promising something you can't deliver in the long run it is only bad for business.
 If it's going to take 20 minutes to cover a call let the customer know. They would much rather know this in advance than been told 5 minutes or less to be kept waiting a further 10. A customer told 20 minutes who gets his car in 15 will be a happy customer whereas a customer told 5 and gets it in 10 will unhappy despite having the car arrive quicker.
  Under promise, over deliver.
 If something does go wrong try to explain it as simply as possible to the customer, the customer does not want or need to know why things have gone wrong they just want the service they asked for. Listen to what the customer has to say, don't try and interupt before they have finished what they have to say, this will only annoy them more. Once they have got their annoyance out, apologise and ask them how they would like it resolving. Most companies will try throwing money at the situation as a quick fix. A free journey, a discount on their next journey, etc. Not only does this not solve the problem, it also costs your company money often without reason, it also sets you up for the potential of people "kicking off" just to get free/discounted services.
  In a lot of cases an simple and honest apology with reasurances that it won't happen again will smooth the situation.

Key to getting good customer service

 What most people either don't know or forget about the Taxi and private hire industry is that the large majority of drivers are self employed. This means the individual Taxi and Private Hire operators only have limited control of the drivers. The drivers themselves have/need to work long hours or long weeks to make ends meet. The drivers have to pay the companies they work with to work, not the other way round as in most industries.
  So how to get good customer service.
  1.  Be prompt - if you book a car for a certain time be ready for it (even if they're not there on time)
  2. Be polite - make the assumption that it is not the drivers fault if he's late, often it isn't.
  3. Be friendly - acknowledge the driver. You may not want a full blown conversation with the driver and he or she probablly doesn't either, but please's and thank you's are always appreciated and cost nothing.
  4. Be organised - know where your going (or at least have a rough idea), if your going into shops, etc be as quick as you can. Whilst the driver is parked up they aren't making money. The drivers sole concern is getting you to your destination and getting paid as quick as possible.
  5. Tip when you can - if your journey is acceptable round your fare off to the nearest 50p - for the driver all those 20 and 30p's add up. Few miss the odd 20/30p and this small tip will be noticed and word will get around the other drivers. Within a few journeys you'll start noticing you get a more prompt pickup service.
And finally
     6. Be respectful - you wouldn't expect the driver to ask about your personal life or how much you earn, what religion you are, etc, etc, so why do we feel the need to ask the driver. "Taxi driver tourettes" as it's been called. Imagine how annoying you'd find it if people asked you the same 3 questions everytime they saw you at work.

And finally

  How do you know if a taxi company is likely to be reliable? Quite simply you don't however there are some good pointers to having a good idea they will be.
  More and more of the bigger companies are starting to act like other professional businesses in other industries. ISO9000 customer service awards, Investors in people certification and uniformed drivers are just a few of the major indicators.
  Word of mouth is always a reliable source. Not to mention when you call them up does the telephonist sound polite and professional. If the answer is yes then more than likely you will receive a good service.


Monday, 23 April 2012

Service or Price ???

Service vs price is a big factor in all industries when it comes to Taxi and private hire which do you value most?

Vote now

Friday, 20 April 2012

What's the difference between Private Hire and Taxis?

Probablly a question you've never asked yourself, you probablly call them both taxi's but there are a few major differences that could probablly save you a few pennies.

In Leeds the differences between Taxi and Private Hire are becoming less and less, there however remains 2 major differences:
  1. Taxi's can pickup anyone from the street, private hire can only pick pre-booked journeys
  2. Taxi prices are set by the council, private hire firms set their own.
  Knowing this is the key to saving yourself money. Imagine all those nights on the town and jumping into the first "taxi" that appeared. Then when you woke up the following morning realising you got charged nearly twice as much as you normally pay. Unfortunately this happens all to often.
  Worse still had you been involved in an accident, due to the private hire driver acting illegally and picking up off the street you would not have been insured either. Not to mention a whole host of other potentially dangerous senarios you could be getting yourself into.
  Why do you do it? Because you think it works out cheaper than getting a Black and White Taxi. Strange as it seems 9/10 times this is not the case. Unless you book it with a private hire operator you are liabile to get ripped off and pay more than you would if you'd have got the "expensive" black & white.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

NVQ/BTEC qualifications

There has been much talk on NVQ/BTEC training over the last couple of years, some good, some bad, some accurate, most not so much.

So what's the truth on the matter?

Well it is a decision made by central government to get a nationally recognized standard throughout thr taxi and private hire trade however the implementation of the policy will be down to individual councils to deal with. Different councils have taken different approaches this is all irrelevant. The only question we need to answer is "What is Leeds City Council Policy?"

At present it looks like compulsory NVQ/BTEC training will be put on the back burner for a little while. How long this will be for is another matter. There will only be one of three outcomes:
  1.  It will be forgot about completely until national government force council to act ( Unlikely)
  2.  It will be forced in within the year (Also unlikely) OR
  3.  It will be brought in over a lengthy period of time starting with a compulsory requirement for all new drivers, followed by drivers receiving minor complaints then finally all other drivers at a later time (Most likely)

Auriga Dispatch System

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Mercury Taxi Software

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Data only in Leeds

 Rummor has it that Leeds Taxi and Private Hire Licensing are looking at changing regulations so that every private hire over 5 cars will have to have computerised booking records. Now at first glance this may seem harsh on the smaller firms, however fear not there are many good quality systems out there that are easily affordable for the little firm and with computerised booking systems come many additional benefits.

Benefits of computerised booking and dispatch systems

 Some of the many benefits of some computerised records include: ringback service, GPS tracking, fairer job allocation, more efficient dispatching, one touch booking, online booking, and many others

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Monday, 16 April 2012

Radio problems

We've often found (regardless of data based systems or voice only setups) that the majority of issues result from bad equipment setup. The biggest of these been aerial problems. A few simple steps can ensure your aerial is not an issue:

1) Make sure your aerial is in the the best possible position (or as close as possible). This is the highest point of your car. Usually the very centre of the roof of your car. If you can't get it in the centre then try to get it as close to the centre along the central line of your car (marked in blue on the picture).

(Aerial Connector in good condition)
2)  Ensure your aerial to radio connection is in good condition and the length of your aerial cable is intact and cut free. If there are cuts in your cable replace your aerial. Whilst it is possible to repair a damaged cable by and large it does not make financial sense. In addition moisture/water has usual got in and will have started to corrode your aerial.

3) Make sure your aerial is the best possible type for the system you are using. Make sure the base of the aerial is a solid one (many of the cheaper aerials have an air gap inside which reduces performance). Also take care not to use a "booster aerial" if using a data system (booster aerials have a tendency to to scrabble the data and make for poor performance).

4) Finally if you've checked all these and are still having problems have it checked by a radio specialist.

Through experience we have found Malborough Radio Services a good bet offering a first class service.

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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Private Hire Companies

There are over 150 different private hire firms operating under a Leeds City Council operators license and unlike Taxi's (Black & Whites/Cabs) they are all able to set their own prices. Unless you are using the same firm all the time don't just assume prices will always be the same.

 We also recommend using one of the bigger firms as their vehicles tend to be fitted with GPS controlled meteres that the driver has little control of.

Some of the bigger firms

North Leeds  : Premier (tel:01132 888 855)
East Leeds. : Roadrunners (tel:01132 171 717)
South Leeds : Wheels (tel:01132 499 999)
West Leeds: Amber Cars (tel:011132 636 445)

Friday, 13 April 2012

 We're now on Twitter, why not join us for regular tweets.    (@LPHBlogger)

Private Hire Insurance

We frequently get asked for who's the best insurance people. As with any insurance personal circumstances always effect what the best offer is out there. But here are some of the companies and contact numbers we've found to be most useful.

Highway Insurance - Tel: 0845 373 1240
Wheels Insurance Brokers - Tel:0113 277 0707
Coversure - Tel:0800 308 1000
Collingwood Insurance - Tel:0845 470 0014
Freeway Insurance - Tel:0844 557 0215
Mini-Bus Direct - Tel:0845 219 0492

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Hi and welcome to Leeds Private Hire Blogspot.Com

 Today is the launch of the site. If you feel you have any contributions please Email Us