Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Stay up to date with the latest technology

  As you'll only be too aware as a Taxi/Private Hire driver various requirements mean you are constantly forking out money just to stay on the road. Base rent, insurance renewals, plate renewal, badge renewal, MOT, road tax, the list goes on.
  Many of these things require you to present paperwork for the others. Not to mention making sure you remember to renew them in time. To help you why not take advantage of the useful free technology there is out there.

Tip 1 - 

 Your phone, most people these days have a phone that can take photo's. Take a photo of each of your licenses, cover notes, etc and store them in a separate folder/collection on your phone. Each time you renew send a picture message to your operator so they can keep their records up to date and you don't have to make an unnecessary trip to the office.

Tip 2 - 

  Email - it's easy to get free email, sign up for a free hotmail or google mail account. You'll get free storage space so upload your documents to it. Handy when it comes to renewing your insurance. You can just email them all straight to your insurance company instead of 2/3 trips to the brokers to present documentation. Give your email to Leeds Vehicle Licensing, your Insurance company, your Operator, etc, doing this will help them keep you informed on latest developments.

Tip 3 -

 Calender function on your phone - unless you bought your phone pre-1990 your phone will have a calender, take advantage of it and store your expiry dates in it, set alarms for 1 month before so you don't forget to renew and don't have a last minute panic trying to get funds together in time.

At this point in the blog we'd like to offer a link to an app that would be able to do all this in one go, tragically we don't know of such an app and don't have the time to make one. But if you do please let us and we can pass this information to others.

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